Wednesday 16 October 2013



Wednesday 9 October 2013

Never Expect, Never Assume, Never Demand..

Suddenly feel like updating my blog today. hehe.. Busy day but had a great talk with a friend while having dinner together. We were talking about how good things happen when u least expect it so that is why i'm learning not to put too much expectation on certain things. I'll just do my best and let God decide whats best for me. After all man proposes, God disposes. ;) Someone's probably not gonna agree with me but thats what i believe in. I do things my way and I am trying my best even thought i have no idea what it leads me to but at least i tried right. I know that i might be a little selfish sometimes but i guess it's ok to be a little selfish sometimes >< not always tho.

“In the blink of an eye, something happens by chance - when you least expect it - sets you on a course that you never planned, into a future you never imagined.” Nicholas Sparks